Government Subsidized Heat Pump Drying:
Have you taken up drying or are you still heating?
Do you want to ameliorate your energy balance? And your process and the quality of your product as well? Airgenex® paint drying with a heat pump makes this possible. There is highly efficient drying technology behind Airgenex®. It combines manifold qualities, such a low temperature, low energy consumption and high process reliability, owing to its alternative physical approach. Our dryers dehumidify within a defined temperature range of 20 °C to 75 °C. This is done using extremely dry process air and customized air routeing. Our customers can thus achieve quality drying results. Painted surfaces dry from the inside out in a uniform manner. Cracking and cratering are a thing of the past. The heat pump technology integrated in each dryer makes the dehumidification process highly efficient. Drying always takes place in a system that is closed in terms of air and energy, and is thus completely independent of the climate. Harter dryers with integrated heat pump were classified as future fit technology in 2017. Our customers may thus enjoy government subsidy. The same applies to pre-dewatered sludge which still contains some 60 to 70 percent of water after pressing. Low energy drying may save operators as much as 60 to 70 percent of energy and disposal cost. Drying may also make recycling possible. There is much potential in heat pump drying in many respects.
Come and visit us: hall3, stand 3541